I thought after I released my first book that I couldn't feel that excited again. After all, it was my first jump into the world of real publishing. Yet as I sit here today able to announce that my second book is officially for sale I can't help but feel almost the same excitement.
It's a pretty amazing thing to know that you have you work out there on the world stage just waiting for someone to love it as much as you do. Whether I sell one copy or thousands the satisfaction comes from knowing once again I jumped the hurdle of doubt and did it again.
If you haven't published yet I'll remind you that as well as being excited is the worry that it won't be received well etc. But, for me at least, the happiness outweighs that.
I'll likely spend the next few days checking and rechecking the reports that tell me what the sales are. At some point I'll be frustrated or even discouraged. Still the moment of knowing you did it, that you published something is worth pushing for, worth writing into the night for, worth every bit of sweat and frustration writers know every day.
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