Friday, October 31, 2014

Roller Coasters and the Real World.

Writer's are often Moody or at least this one can be. I believe it has to do more with the fact we have a million stories breathing inside of us than the fact we're simply hormonal. It can be a struggle to keep focused on the real world when in your head there's an onslaught of adventures just waiting to be unleashed.

Currently I'm watching(far to closely) the sales of my first release Everything for a Price, working on my second, Remember me. Brainstorming for a the sequel to Everything for a Price which I plan to call Yours for Free. And of course there's always NaNoWriMo. The 50,000 word challenge only the crazy indulge in.

And of course as previously mentioned there's the real world, pesky as it is it's there. Schooling kids, Halloween costumes, bills, housework all things that pull me from the world that so often occupies my mind.

Finding a balance is a bit of a juggling act. But then I think I've mentioned that before. As I enter the world of being published. There's all the extra work of getting your name out there. Social media is wonderful for promoting yourself but to anyone who hasn't done it before it is work. Time consuming work at that, something I didn't really consider before now. On one hand you want to turn your phone and computer off. But the contacts I'm making and the people I'm meeting are important as they are for any author. And I'm finding that coming out of my self imposed author bubble is actually fun.

I enjoy the conversation with other authors, the chance to bounce ideas off someone who truly understands the struggle. If anyone tells you writing is easy that's mostly untrue. To an extent yes it's basically sitting down and letting the words out. It's the after, that can get tricky or what happens when the words stop but you're not done. Often you get a good thought going and life interrupts and you come back only to wonder where that train of thought went. I assure you usually it's left the station never to return.

I haven't even gotten to the part where you're done, or think you're done, go back reread and find yourself tempted to set the whole thing on fire. That happens often. Thankfully I'm smart enough to keep matches far away when I'm working.

The above of course is why writer's can get moody. Too many emotional balls in the air. For example I have one character in the throes of passion, one blissfully content as a new parent, another wondering what happens next with the stranger next to her and in the real world yesterday was the first day without a book sale. So yeah emotional roller coaster and writing go hand in hand.

If you're a writer cut yourself a break if you make to the end of the day without openly sobbing in frustration Kudos. If you're friends with a writer, love one or just see them working. Be kind, be understanding  or if all else fails offer coffee and back away slowly. ;)

Support me by reading and reviewing. Everything for a Price

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