Friday, November 21, 2014

Welcome: Bibi Rizer

When I launched into this indie publishing project there were many things I wasn’t sure of – how to format a Kindle book for example. Or how to build a mailing list. Or, you know, how to sell books. I’m learning all this as I go.

One thing I was sure of though, was that I wanted a strong brand. I know that repeat readers are the lifeblood of the indie author and one way to get your readers’ loyalty is to have a clear and recognizable brand.

Cover Your Dreams Designs was my go to choice for this project. I loved the branding CYD had done for CC Mackenzie across her three series. I had a number of series in mind so I knew I needed something similar.

CYD develops brands at several levels, depending on the need. I wanted an author brand, a distinct look for each genre I was working in, and each series would require its own brand.

Beginning with the author name – we searched for a font. Something simple but with a little twist. When we found Baron Neue we were delighted, particularly with the interesting way the R looked. It was exactly what we needed to make my name stand out.

To add a little extra, CYD chose to color the Z in a shade to match the cover designs.

Now, I’m going to write in various genres. So far I have three series underway, each in its own genre. There’s the Fireworks series which is contemporary New Adult, The City of Dark Pleasures which is future-punk erotic romance, and The Vikings of Vinland, which is historical New Adult romance.

At the level of genre the choice we made was to do minor variations to the author name. In the historical romances the author name will have a weathered texture. In the contemporary New Adult the author name will be un-textured. If I ever get to my paranormal romances the author name will have a little glow.  For the future-punk books the covers will have a limited palette. Black and White and red for The City of Dark Pleasures. Other simple color palettes will be used for later series.

Finally each series has its own distinct look. The Fireworks series is defined both by the layout and elements in the image – a kissing couple to the bottom left, fireworks in the sky – and by the overall design of the fonts and lettering.  The title is in two fonts (the actual titles are also part of the brand – Electrify Me, Objectify Me etc). The series title goes in the bottom right with a little firework of its own. This series will end up being very recognizable.

The Vikings of Vinland has its series title in the top right. In addition the covers will all have a depth to them, as well as similar coloring and of course the distinctive font.

The City of Dark Pleasures uses the striking black, white and red palette to define the series, along with the clever composite images.

Overall, I'm thrilled with the plan CYD has laid out for me. Now if I could just figure out how to get CreateSpace to work...

Stay in touch with me. Facebook     Twitter

Need a cover? Please visit the wonderful Cover Your Dreams Design

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