Sunday, November 2, 2014

What I Didn't Say.

I realized as I was reviewing my paltry blog that I hadn't said much about myself. Whether or not it will be interesting remains to be seen but here goes it anyways.

I'm rapidly approaching forty and not as upset about it as one might think. I'm not exactly getting the pom-poms out but neither am I dreading it. I am however grateful that my husband of nearly nineteen years is not the type to throw surprise parties. The whole headstones and black balloons is not exactly thrill inducing.

Not to mention I share my birthday with one of my four children I'm pretty certain my youngest daughter wouldn't be thrilled either. I have two other daughters and just to mix it up a bit my youngest is a boy full of energy I could only dream of.

I live in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. It's quite beautiful here, green with lots of trees and enough wildlife to keep us entertained but not normally terrified. We have our share of Bigfoot watchers, I am not one of them.

I am for the most part a stay at home mom. I work very part time in a children's clothing store. Aside from that is homeschooling two of my children, household duties and trying to stay sane while becoming an author. No easy task but then if you written anything you already know that.

As for hobbies my favorite is obvious, writing but since it's more than a hobby and as mentioned before more like an obsession so I'll leave it at that. A close second to reading is, you guessed it reading. Aside from spending time with my family nothing  makes me happier than curling up with a good book. We have been known as a family to all be in the same room reading at the same time. But again I digress.

I also enjoy sewing, shooting, and having a nice drink at the end of a long day. My current drink of choice is Barefoot brand Moscato. Aside from that it's water or coffee that keeps me going. I gave up soda so long ago it's not worth mentioning and I don't eat candy or chocolate anymore so my vices are simple and I keep them harmless.

But back to living in the Northwest. I love it here I really do. It's beautiful country and even better if you love the outdoors. I should have mentioned I am not an outdoors type of person. I like trees, as long as I can go back inside after looking at them. I do not enjoy camping, I can deal with trailer type camping but pitch a tent and you're looking at the wrong woman. It doesn't help that the outdoors doesn't like me. If it bites or stings I'm allergic to it. Yes I'm that nerd. And I have a phobia of any bug that can infest a person (shudder)

Moving on....yes I love it here I just prefer to love it from inside, looking out a window while writing or reading. I'm a simple girl. You can all go outside and do the hiking thing, I'll stay inside, warm or cool as the case may be and hopefully bug free.

Perhaps that's why even at the tender age of twelve the writing bug really took hold it was self perseverance any other hobby and I just might be really crazy.

Then again as writers aren't we all a bit on the crazy side, who else has conversations in their heads with multiple people all at once. And no I don't talk to them outloud....mostly.

So that's me for the most part no big shocking secrets, no huge revelations just your average everyday person with a thousand stories to tell and never enough time.

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