Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Black Holes and Light at the End of the Tunnel.

I thought I had it together. I was doing great. I blogged and tweeted every day. I made sure to update my author page and write like a madwoman. I was very happily moving right along. A few bumps here and there but otherwise doing pretty well.

Then my muse decided to move far, far away. I wasn’t just unable to write I was unable to contemplate writing. I couldn’t take notes, form ideas just nothing. Not only was this shocking but it went on for far longer than I’ve experienced before. My personal life hit a snag, which transferred into all aspects of author life.

No blogs, or tweets or anything resembling the “work” I love to do. Then two months ago it started to come back. One day it was just finally there. Finally the ability to write research, and be interested in all things writing had returned. The first day I put around 6,000 words down. I sat back and hoped and prayed this meant it would last. And so far it has.

I wrote in this blog about being consistent. And, I truly believe that’s true but what I also know just how ugly the black hole of nothingness is. The part of me that was missing came back and I’m treating it gently so it isn’t inclined to leave again.

I’ve managed to finish the first draft of my next novel, not a short but a full-fledged book.  It is currently out with beta readers in the hopes it isn’t awful. I know it has two or three more rounds before it’s ready but I’m hopeful. I’m working on a short, the last in the Priceless series. Long overdue and probably forgotten by now, but, I still plan to finish what I started.

I’m happy to be back and ready to restart this journey.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're back! Those personal crisis can really zap your inner mojo. I know it was that way for me. Always in your corner - just give me a shout out if you need some cheering!
